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Sorting plant for commercial and packaging waste


Yellow is a Hit (“Gelb kommt an”)

This campaign promotes the yellow bag recycling system where the city of Bremen is the local partner of Duales System.

Bremen’s Clean Sweep (“Bremen räumt auf”)

This is an annual event, whereby residents of the city of Bremen are encouraged to help clean the city and to raise their awareness on waste issues.

gardenduo (“gartenduo”)

This campaign promotes the gardenduo big bag which is designed to carry one cubic meter of gardening rubbish that can be exchanged for the same amount of refined compost at big discount. The campaign is promoted via banner promotion at the street cleaning and collection vehicles.

Sponsorship and Promotional Campaign for Cookery Book (SOS Kinderdörfer)

SOS Kinderdörfer e.V. is a German charity supporting children in need throughout the world.

Paper collection (“JA! Zur Blauen Tonne”)

Campaign for the implementation of separated paper collection in Leer. Direct mailling information how to get the blue bin for the separated paper collection.

Information campaign: winter services, pavement and promenade cleaning

General information and pricing about winter services, pavement and promenade cleaning in 2009.


Web campaign: web shop for the electronic waste verification procedure (“eANV” - elektronische Abfallnachweisverfahren)

SEO-, Google AdWords-marketing and web shop for the electronic waste verification procedure and its related products. This procedure is regulated by law for suppliers of hazardous waste in Germany.







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